All information contained on this website does not constitute professional or legal advice and is only for informational purposes. does not offer any personalized legal, accounting, tax, or financial advice or recommendations including, without any limitation, advice regarding the suitability or profitability of investments. We are not a law firm and are not licensed to practice law in any country in the world. The info on this website is a brief summarization of select matters related to various economic citizenship programs and is not a solicitation for investment or an offer to buy or sell any security or service. The use of is entirely at your own risk and does not create an attorney-client relationship.
All information is provided on an "as is" basis without any warranties. We will not be held liable for your use or interpretation of the content contained herein. A qualified attorney or professional financial advisor should always be consulted before acting, or omitting to act, based on any information on this website. Third party links do not imply an endorsement by us, and liability claims regarding damage caused by third party websites will consequently be rejected.
The information on this website was believed to be correct when written but is subject to change. Investment immigration and citizenship laws and policies are constantly evolving, and we cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of any information on this website. The info contained herein should never be regarded as detailed advice or relied on when making a decision. is not associated with or endorsed by any of the economic citizenship countries listed on this website, and we will not be held responsible for damages, however caused, resulting from your use of such third-party programs, products, information, services or materials.
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